Sunday, October 21, 2007

*What does my Spirit says..*

Ever since I can remember I have been very aware that I have an inner self, a *Spirit*... one I can talk to and can answer me and has been my companion ever since I can remember. Many might think this is crazy but it isn't... if it was I probably would of been locked up long time ago. As all of us everyone one of us go through life... through the path we choose each day many feel they are all alone, but we are not. I will also say that whatever we choose every single day of our lives... all of our decisions in our lives is just ours, and what it comes from those choices we create our own future our own life. When we were small we had someone that will always try to tell us what is best for us and we trust in them and life seem so easy and fun...! but as we grew older we were more aware of things, of our surroundings and what we could choose for ourselves not wanting to just do what we were told it would be best for us.... then life started to become more difficult since we still had to do what we were told to do what it seem best in their eyes for us and it was not great, in fact it was awful and many times we chose to do what we wanted and many times got in trouble for making those choices. As we became more mature we had to start making our own decisions and many but many times it was not easy and then it is when I decided to listen to my *Spirit*... to converse with her and together make those choices. Many times we disagreed but me as my stubborn self did what I thought it was best and now I live the consequences from those choices. I believe strongly that there is a *God*... and that we were in His presence in Spirit before we came here to earth. I also know in my heart and Spirit that whatever I do with my life I will have to live the good and bad from all my choices and I have learned to accept it and also with the knowledge that if I have to respond for all my good and bad doings I will only have to respond to *God*. I have learned thru the years that my Spirit is very loving, that all she wants to do is good and make everyone around us *happy*... how? by always smiling... sharing our love... and thru a smile back makes my life complete.
Life has been full of trials... yes my trials which I have learn to face them and do the best that I could. It has been very easy for me to give up and just let go of life... but I can't do that... it is better to go thru life and learn from all the experiences I have to confront in my path of life.
I have learn to love life... to enjoy every single day I live, and that whatever I do of each day only *I* did it... My spirit is a *Happy* one and so thanks to that precious Spirit my self have learned to love myself and to take each day as a gift of Love and to share it with everyone because I know that if I share my love I will grow to love more.... and by loving more I contribute to this world to be a better place while we are passing through. *Thank you to my loving Spirit... and thanks to God that He gave her to me as my Eternal companion!*

Friday, October 19, 2007



What does it mean? *Star*... why Star? Since I was a very small child very often I would look at the sky in the night and wonder what those shining things where? and one time I saw it move so fast from one side of the sky to the other side.. and I loved it!... and since then I wanted to keep that joy I felt when I saw it move so fast. I wanted to be *one star* and through my life I would pick my *stars*... and I have since then... and they are truly *My Stars* only mine!

So this is how it starts..

Star Star above

you have brought so much joy in my life...

and from now to the end... you will shine in my life and give me the only joy that only you know how right from the start!