Friday, November 2, 2007

*When is the right time...*

I have been pondering about this thought... *when is the right time?*... and as the years go by I am learning and realizing that the right time is when you make it happen. I have been alive for many years now and I will say that I am grateful that I believe in that precious *Star* that gave me hope.. and in Eternity that gives me hope that someday all will be explained to me or finally will understand the *why's* that I have never sat down and ponder on.... thanks to those tokens of *love* which I have in my heart I have been able to let many things that truly hurt me all through my life to let go and continue on... in my own path of life that I have chosen to live. I have truly learned so much all through my life and if I had to live it over I would choose to stay in *heaven* and just be an angel and help God, I know that I would of done so much better! I could never say I didn't have good parents because the Mother that I feel I chose to be my *Mother* has been an angel and a good teacher in many ways... and I also know that she did the best that she knew how and for that *I love her so*... and as growing up without a *Father* was very sad as I look back but when I finally got to meet him without taking more than a second I loved him! I could never judge him of why was he not in my life.. I just was grateful I had a *Father* and I knew that he also loved me with all his heart. It is amazing how we can make such horrible mistakes in our lives but who are we to judge anyone? I also was blessed with *Three* precious angels who chose me as their Mother... maybe many times wondering what they were thinking when they did and all I can say.. is... *I did the best that I knew*... and *today* is one of those special days that I would call it *the right time!*

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