Friday, November 23, 2007

*Precious MOMENTS...*

My *Precious MOMENTS...* I will say I don’t have that many but the ones I have are the most precious to me.
When I was a very small child and for many years I was very shy, very scared of everything and that kept me from learning and sharing what I really had in me to share with others and it stop me from growing like I wanted to grow and learn.
When I started on my second Private School I had a very special teacher her name is *Miss Carmen*... somehow she knew I was very shy and she knew what she needed to do to help me get out of my own little shell that I had put myself into to protect myself from getting hurt or from being afraid. She helped me with my gifts I had which I knew I had them but was to afraid to use them. She taught me to paint... to embroider... to sing... to cook... she also taught me History and to me History was so interesting and I loved it! And to DANCE... she help me find myself and help me to love myself and not to be afraid. I will call that one of my Precious times. *Feeling that I was someone*
I started to be very involved with Dancing... oh wow.. What a get away and it has been all through my life. I can express all what I feel inside dancing and was able to dance for many years and it helped me so much. Dancing is Heaven to me, I have been able to perform many times and teach and share what I knew with many and it helped me to get rid of the fear I had inside of me. Every dance I have danced all my life are *Precious MOMENTS*.. And I know I can take it with me forever, it is what I liked most and I can say I was blessed to be able to fulfilled this gift and even though I had to quit because of my illness I can say I had the chance to do it and I am so very grateful and they are my own
*Precious MOMENTS*
Leaving my country and starting a new life in the USA was a great big challenge but I am also grateful to a wonderful Instructor I had in my Church, a precious sister that taught me of how to be a Lady, and how to love myself and to know that there is a God who loves me just the way I am and that I could count on Him always and because of these teachings I have been able to confront all my ups and downs in my life and been able to keep my head up and know that God loves me with all my imperfections and to Love is the key to Eternity and happiness forever. Another *Precious MOMENT* in my life.
Another *Precious MOMENT*... being able to finish High School with a 3.9 after all the struggles I had to go through in learning a new language... I was so happy for myself for being able to accomplish such Honor.
Another *Precious MOMENT*
The *Precious MOMENTS* that I will call them as my most Precious..
My three precious children I have.
My only son and two daughters. The experience of being a Mother and being able to love them and thank God for letting me have them to teach and take care.
The Moments I have shared with them I will treasure forever and I will take those moments with me forever.
My most *Precious MOMENTS* in my life!
My next *Precious MOMENT* having the courage to learnt to become a Farmer after being a City girl all my life. I am so grateful I had the chance to learn so many things and from that time I spend in a Farm I learned so much on survival and learned to appreciate all I had.
Another *Precious MOMENT*
A pretty scary time for me... to prepare myself to become a Citizen of the United States.. Oh how afraid was I to learn all about the United States Government and all to become an *American Citizen*... wow it was a challenge a scary time in my life but very rewarding when I received my Certificate and finally feel completely part of this beautiful and precious Country!
Another *Precious MOMENT*
Starting a new life as a single Mother... what a challenge and yet very rewarding because I had my children to help me fight and really help me find myself and proof to myself that I could overcome whatever came.
My dream was to some day which at the time I set this goal would be never... to become a Manager of the Institution I started to work for... I even laugh when they had as write it on a paper what we wanted to become or accomplish while we work for them and I wrote laughing to myself *A Manager* and I remember I laugh... and said to myself *Yeah right*...
And after 10 years of work and with many fears... I did it. I was the first foreigner to become a Manager in this Institution... and to me it was ..
Another *Precious MOMENT*
I have been blessed with big *Precious MOMENTS* in my life...
The one I treasure and I have is *Love*... being able to find that precious *Love* and feel complete... I have that precious *Love* and because of that *Love* that only comes from God I have a full heart full of gratitude for being blessed with such
*Precious MOMENTS of pure Love*
The most precious ones are my Children and my grandchildren...
The moments that I have been able to share with them and all that I have learned from them, many moments that I could say they are only mine and that I can take with me *Forever*... I am in great gratitude to God for letting me have this most
Precious *MOMENTS*.
A jewel that money cannot buy and that only Love can bring.


Anonymous said...

Anushka, me siento muy agradecida porque has compartido conmigo una vez más; no dejo de pensar en lo hermoso que es tu corazón y lo fuerte que eres tú. Eres como un junco que en tiempos malos se dobla pero no se rompe, y en los buenos se yergue alegre y confiada en Nuestro Señor. Además, la forma en que te expresas, sencilla y abierta, me confirma que eres un angel muy especial: una excepcional hija, madre, esposa, amiga...
Dios te bendiga siempre, te quiero mucho.

Erica said...

I love you, Mom!

Maria Jose said...

Anita gracias por compartir tu amor. tequier mucho y esto significa mucho para mi el poder leer tus sentimientos. te amo de todo corazon.